Color Contrast Checker
Check Color Contrast for Perfect Accessibility!
Ensure your designs meet accessibility standards with our easy-to-use color contrast checker.
How It Works?
How color contrast checker tool works?
See real-time contrast results.
View a pass/fail evaluation based on WCAG standards (AA, AAA compliance).
Adjust colors to improve contrast.
Web Designers
Create accessible, visually appealing designs.
Content Creators
Ensure text readability across devices.
Achieve compliance with accessibility laws and avoid penalties.
Make learning materials accessible to all students.
A: Color contrast is the process to check background and foreground colors for your content writing strategy. It is very important for the users/reader to make their eye contact comfortable with your content.
A: After choosing your colors, when you click on “Check Contrast” button, our color contrast checker tool will tell you the whether failed or passed and it also suggest you compliant colors.
A. Yes, it is 100% free to use.
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